Positive Birth Stories

We are surrounded by negative birth stories. We’ve been collecting birth fears since we were little girls (and boys). They aren’t even our fears! Let’s try and dissolve those fears by CHOOSING to surround ourselves with POSITIVE BIRTH STORIES. It’ll help you prepare for a more positive birth experience.

 Theo’s Birth – Vaginal Birth

I absolutely loved labour, as crazy as that sounds to some people. I had such a good experience throughout that I would happily do it again! I am a massive control freak so the one thing I struggled with is that I had no say when my baby was coming and I was getting so worked up about it towards the end of my pregnancy.

My midwife called me on the Thursday afternoon, 40+4 to schedule my induction for the following Tuesday and I finally gave in to the fact I wasn’t going to have him when I decided! This is when I finally let go and relaxed my mind and body, this is all I needed to do all along because the next night I felt a bit ‘off’ but couldn’t quite put my finger on what was wrong so shrugged it off and went to bed. A couple of hours later I woke up to some mild cramps, just like period cramps. After a few waves I realised it was probably contractions, we gave the hospital a call to see what they suggested.

We popped in for me to get checked over around 2am and as I was coping well and only 2cm we went home to get some rest until things started to progress a bit more. I was happy enough sitting on my birthing ball in the living room snacking on crackers with some paracetamol to take the edge off but concentrating on my breathing is what really got me through! I thought I’d try a bath too see if that helped. The warm water was nice. My partner nipped off for a little nap and not long after things started to get more regular. I was timing my contractions and they were getting more regular.

Off to the hospital we went again (most uncomfortable car ride ever is my only bad memory, felt every pothole and slight bump in the road!) but we weren’t convinced we were going to stay in so left the hospital bag in the car and headed in at around 6pm. I was 6cm so there we were to stay!

We had a bit of difficulty keeping the monitor in place to make sure baby was okay so after my waters were broken the popped a little clip on his head to make sure he wasn’t getting stressed at any point. I was still coping really well with contractions and with gas and air I felt no pain at all!

After a couple of hours with my contractions I felt my body pushing so just went with it and then we remembered we’d left the bag in the car! At exactly 2am our baby was born! We delayed cord cutting and he came straight up for a feed and skin to skin. He was perfect and it was such a great experience!

Isaac’s birth – Water Birth

I think it all started the Sunday before he was born I’d had cramps all day which had come and go, some of them fairly intense but I could still talk through them and potter about so knew it wasn’t the real deal yet!

Monday and Tuesday came and went with no other signs and I got a bit disheartened thinking I still had weeks left.

Wednesday morning 12.45am I got up to go to the loo then when I’d just got comfy back in bed my waters went with a pop! Rolled out of bed and waddled back to the loo where more came out. Excitement, fear and anxiety kicked in but I managed to stay calm and went downstairs to make myself some pasta and Michael started to make some space in the room for the pool. 45 minutes after my waters had gone my contractions kicked in and began to ramp up pretty quick so I rang the hospital to let them know. They asked me to come in to confirm my waters had gone and do some checks which at first I wasn’t pleased about but thought well it’ll be comforting to know baby is ok.

They did the usual checks but because baby was so active they couldn’t quite get his heart rate as it kept jumping up and down so they put me on the monitor and told me to click a button every time he moved or kicked. Anyway all was fine and they examined me, to my surprise and I was already 5cm dilated!!

So off home we went, tens machine on and I used the Freya app to control my breathing which really relaxed me. Until it got to the point where I was feeling quite sick and hot, I stood in our conservatory bit leaning over a couch which kept me cool. Meanwhile Michael was trying to fill up the pool, the connector for the tap wouldn’t fit so he had to fill it with a bucket and a kettle! Took him ages, but he managed.

The candles, fairy lights and affirmations went out the window as I was just so focused on each contraction, remembering to try and snack and stay hydrated. The midwife then asked if they could do another examination so I agreed curious to see how things were coming along, I was 7cm then. Lying on my back was awful! As soon as I stood back up I was sick after another contraction.

I have no idea of time scales here but a little while later I got in the pool which was soothing and started using the gas & air which didn’t really help the pain but helped me relax and breathe. The down stage seemed to last for ages as I feel like my body was pushing down on its own for a good while! Fast forward to 8am when the community midwives took over (who were amazing! I couldn’t of done it without theirs and Michael’s encouragement). When I could feel the head starting to crown I got a bit scared as I knew it obviously had to come out but because of the Hypnobirthing course I knew exactly what was happening and I stayed in control with the gas & air.

The midwives started to help me bring him out slowly, there was no “push push push” just words of encouragement telling me how well I was doing while I was clinging onto Michael’s hand for my dear life. When the head was coming out at the widest part I did feel like I was going to pass out for a second but again managed to stay focused and kept breathing down pushing into my bum. It did take a few goes to get this bit of his head out but then the rest of him came with one contraction and I lifted him up onto my chest and let out a huge cry of relief!

The midwife asked if I wanted to see what I’d had as we didn’t know the sex and it was in my birth plan that we’d wanted to see for ourselves. I opened his little legs to see that we had a boy! Cue the tears again. Michael cut the cord after it had stopped pulsating and we waited a little while for the placenta to come but it wasn’t and I was losing more blood in the pool so I got out and tried to push it out but was too weak so I had the injection and it came straight away, although the midwife did have to tug a little. Just a graze and a little tear but no stitches!

We had skin to skin for a good while and he had his first feed from me, while sipping tea and trying to eat toast but my appetite had gone completely. Few hours later and I started to feel a bit more normal and the new Grandparents came to visit, only just finding out that we’d planned the whole homebirth thing all along but kept quiet as knew they’d worry unnecessarily and they were fine and just over the moon that we were both ok. I couldn’t believe how good I felt just a few days after, yes a little sore and tired but otherwise I felt amazing! And I put this all down to being at home and knowing exactly what my body was doing during the birth. Would recommend hypnobirthing and a home water birth to anyone! Without that I wouldn’t of known what my body was doing and what was normal, it all helped me stay positive throughout.

Liam’s Birth – Caesarean Birth

I found out at around 36 weeks my baby was breech. I didn’t want the hospital to try and turn the baby as I heard that it can make the baby distressed and also that it was supposed to be painful. At 38 weeks I had an appointment to decide if I would try and have the baby naturally or opt for a C-section. I decided a C-section would be the safest option and they gave me a date.

I arrived at the hospital at 8am, all gowned up and ready to go into theatre. My husband also had to get the gown and wellies on whilst I was having the epidural.

When I was wheeled into the theatre I was really nervous as not only was this my first baby but also my first ever operation. The room was really cold and I began to shiver, I had to sit up and stay as still as possible while they put the needle into my back.

I lay back down and they played some music and the midwives were all talking to me to help calm my nerves, asking me if I knew the sex and if we had any names.

My husband came into the room now and we were ready to go, I lay down and they put a big blue sheet up which covered me from my bump down so I couldn’t see them cut me open or anything else.

They must have cut me along my pubic area and they were pulling, although I was in no pain it was strange as my whole body was getting pulled down as the baby’s head was kind of stuck under my ribs I think (but I can’t be sure). It didn’t take long before the baby was out and they showed me he was a boy. He was born at 11.23am, my husband cut the cord and they quickly took him over to be weighed (he weighed 7lb 4oz) and we named him Liam.

They put him on me for a little bit then my husband held him as they stitched me up. I don’t remember much more at this point other than feeling shivery still and exhausted, even though I just kind of lay there while they got the baby out.

They took us into another room, the recovery room, and they wrapped me in some foil to keep me warm. We were in there for a few hours until I felt a little better and my husband held Liam while I was in recovery.

A few hours later we were moved onto a ward and then visitors were allowed in around teatime. I was unable to get out of bed as I had the section and epidural and had a catheter in. That night the midwives were really good and helped with Liam, they took him away for a little bit to feed him and let me get some rest.

The next day the midwives came to remove the catheter and I was to try and get out of bed and have a shower. Unfortunately in the shower I felt faint and managed to pull the cord so someone could come and help me. They took me back to bed and then I had to take it easy for a little while before trying again. I was low on iron with loosing blood and this is why I felt as faint.

I didn’t feel great for a good few days after having the section but with help from my husband and the family I soon got stronger and felt more myself and had more energy.

I think the care I received was brilliant and overall I think the birth went well, I had a very healthy and happy baby boy.

Annabelle’s Birth – Vaginal Birth

I felt very alone in my pregnancy. I was living miles away from friends and family. I was young and just engaged so my pregnancy came as a bit of a shock! I felt nervous, scared and quite frankly overwhelmed as all I heard were horror stories! Then I heard about pregnancy yoga which also offered hypnobirthing. It was amazing and changed my whole perspective on birth. Every Friday I would count down the hours with excitement until I could go to my class. At the end of the class I felt calm, relaxed, at peace with my body and really tuned in to my baby. I felt it was an incredible bonding experience. As part of the yoga we were taught breathing techniques and different positions that would be beneficial when in labour. Wow, it worked!

So my contractions started on Friday morning they were calm, slow and controlled. I just pottered on and tried to stay relaxed, we watched a film, went out for food and had regular warm baths to control the pain but by about 7pm they were intense. However, I controlled these through using my breathing techniques taught in yoga. I stayed positive and used my mindful techniques taught in yoga. I relaxed on the birthing ball and kept upright, mobile and circulated my hips. At about 10pm all contractions stopped. I was devastated as thought it must have been a false alarm! So I went for a walk to the supermarket to stock up on snacks. When I returned home I kept mobile and did some basic exercises using my birthing ball. By 11:30, contractions were back and much more intense. I headed to hospital. I was 5cm dilated! I wanted a drug free birth and opted for a birthing suite, it was fab. It was calm, friendly, homely and comfortable! I was offered a massage. I picked my oil and scent, the midwife started the massage on my lower back and my husband took over. I continued with my breathing. Each contraction came and went, more painful each time. Then at 5:45 Annabelle was born. I was home by 3:30pm that afternoon. Luckily I didn’t need stitches and recovered quickly. I remember every contraction and push. I felt at ease and in control.

Evan’s Birth – Caesarean Birth

My first born was a vaginal birth following induction at 39+4 which took 4 days and was mentally and physically exhausting. With my second child I was heavily monitored in the third trimester due to a breech baby, complicated gynaecological history, small growth and a group B strep infection. I had a discussion with my team at around 32 weeks about them wanting to deliver the baby at 37 weeks due to his small size. I had thought long and hard about what kind of birth I wanted bearing in mind I had a toddler at home. I asked for a planned section as I felt this was the safer birth for us both.

I had a birth date planned and was able to arrange childcare for my older child. I was second on the list but on the day the other patient before me had already given birth. I booked in at 8am and was shown to a private room to get change and my husband changed into his gown. We met the anaesthetist and had the procedure and plan explained to us. I then had a cannula put in and we went down to the operating room.

It was very calm and a small team. My husband made a playlist and the staff were happy to put that in for us to listen to during my son’s birth. I had my spinal anaesthetic which went smoothly and was prepared for the caesarian. My husband was able to stay with me the whole time and the anaesthetic team kept talking to me and answering any questions we had.

The operation itself was painless and my son was quickly born at 10:05. There was a moment of silence before he started to cry and I felt relieved he was finally here. The nurses weighed him while my husband got to meet him for the first time. He was then quickly brought to me to kiss and cuddle while my placenta was removed and I was stitched up. We were able to all stay together until the operation was over and we then returned together to a recovery room where we stayed for a number of hours getting to know our new baby and starting to feed him.

It was a very relaxed birth and I felt well informed all the way through. Having had both a caesarean birth and a vaginal birth I found the recovery to be different each time but no better or worse. If anything I gave myself a better amount of recovery time with the section as I rushed around too much after my vaginal birth not appreciating the amount of rest you need after giving birth.

Cameron and Jude’s Birth – Twin Caesarean Birth

Here’s my positive birth story for my c-section…

Being pregnant with identical twins meant that my babies were going to be born no later than 36 weeks. This left us with some decisions to make about their birth, either an induction or a c-section. After doing some reading and research, I decided that an induction wasn’t for me, and so decided to go for an elective section and booked our date in for 36 +2 weeks.

The day of my c-section started early and we arrived at Durham hospital at 6:30am and were warmly welcomed by the midwives who ran through the procedure again with us. We also met the team who would be in theatre with us, including the surgeon and anaesthetist, who were very reassuring and answered any of our questions and explained their roles clearly.

We went to theatre for around 9am and were welcomed again by the medical team, who were very friendly and put me at ease.  The spinal was administered and I was laid down and that’s when my partner was allowed to come into theatre. We were able to play our own music and the team were great at helping us relax by chatting with us while they started my surgery.

Twin 1 was delivered and lifted to show us, before being taken to be checked over, and twin 2 followed 2 minutes later. Within a few moments of them being born, they were brought over for us to hold and cuddle while they finished off my surgery. There were a lot of staff on the room, just in case, which was a bit daunting, but lots of them left after the babies were delivered and checked over to be healthy, leaving just the surgical team and 2 midwives.

We were able to hold our babies until we left theatre and were taken to recovery, where we were cared for brilliantly by the team.

We were then taken back to the ward and stayed for 4 days before being able to bring our babies home. The care we received was outstanding and I cannot speak highly enough of the midwives and health care workers who all supported us so well during our stay.

The whole experience of having a c-section was calm and enjoyable and I can recommend to anyone considering an elective section not to be frightened. If you want a calm and relaxing birth using some hypnobirthing breathing techniques which is possible with a c-section.

Hear From Our Clients


Jill’s prenatal and baby yoga classes have been absolutely amazing! Throughout a very challenging year for new mums, she managed to create a wonderful community and teach brilliant classes, both online and in person.


Prenatal was a lovely piece of calm in a busy world. Time out to focus on me and connect with my baby. Also a lovely opportunity to meet other pregnant ladies (all be it via zoom).


Attending postnatal sessions with Jill online was so lovely. Expecting to be back to pre-pregnancy fitness within weeks of birth, these helped me realise I needed to take it slow and allowed me to get back to fitness appropriately!


Prenatal yoga was a wonderful way to relax and take time to connect with my growing baby. The mindful breathing techniques definitely helped me to remain calm and trust in my body during labour to have the birth experience I wanted.